



The Potential Balance in Life


Maria Auxiliadora Home for girls in Chalchuapa, El Salvador March 2009

Many establish their philosophy of existence at an early age. Others spend a lifetime in search of a philosophy. As you will note in some of my writing, I continue to search for a balance in conciliating my own plural ideas as well as the general views of society for my own understanding. This process involves the willingness to constantly learn and to constantly question why I choose to think in one manner while disregarding others. One thing I do know now, I believe in balance through interdependence and not just for political and conciliatory matters but for a way of living as well.

Balance disregards one extreme to the other and balance generates the ideal I wish to someday grasp. Where does interdependence fit into balance? What do I mean by interdependence? Those are questions I expect to answer throughout my life, but I can start by answering here: interdependence involves the process of collaboration, the process where balance is sought as the means to an end. When I first thought of interdependence I considered the US government and its societies and how contradictory the political parties have become, determined by party platforms that shift over time and that lose the essence of what the parties initially represented (of course, that is a topic that would require in depth descriptions that I will eventually and inevitably address). Because I found a conflict when determining which political party I would identify myself with, I realized that I do not identify with one solely, but with many of the great ideas that many of them represent while disregarding the not so productive or beneficial ideas. Thus, instead of choosing one label that shifts over time, I decided to name a concept that grows and progresses not only with the times but with the ideas of the societies.

In terms of political thought, I define interdependence as the reflection of the collaboration of the great ideas that society produces thus, creating a balance among the battles of opposing philosophies. In our US Government we tend to consider an either or idea, where a portion of democracy represents the idea of individually pursuing one’s rational self interests to life, liberty, and prosperity without harming others and where a portion of our republic requires that we adhere to ideas that are above self interests to serve the “good of the whole”. The union of these  two ideas has developed into what we identify as our Democratic Republic, yet we still behave as if we must choose between an either or philosophy; we are either democrats or republicans. Yet, what does it mean to be a democrat and what does it mean to be a republican, or other? The answers vary. I call interdependence the “third factor” that our government and society needs. The ability to choose among all competing ideas, regardless of where the ideas are produced, to develop another method unknown to us, that will better shape our society.

In the meantime, understanding the concept of interdependence among humans helps us realize that progress can be seen through collaboration rather than with destruction through separation. Interdependence can only subsist when an understanding is reached where individuals respect each other. Gandhi once noted that humanity is like the great ocean. Each river is a race and all rivers flow into the great ocean- the human race. By considering this notion we can all consider our shared existence and what is essential for the sustenance of that co-existence.

Hola! Mi nombre es Tessie Lopez and I’m a native Portlander from Oregon. My hobbies involve world traveling, reading, writing, singing, flamenco, learning about different cultures and learning different languages.  My first language is Spanish and I studied French throughout highschool and college. Currently, I am also learning Italian (I hope to add to the list). One of my ambitions is to incorporate a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the establishment of libraries in global communities where collaboration with diverse groups and foreign governments will help achieve that goal. A dream career para mi is to have the satisfaction of being productive, progressive, and contributing to society in a positive way. As I follow my path in life, I will adhere to this web page to post miscellaneous thoughts and ideas I feel worthy of sharing. The work I post are my creations except for the youtube videos I use to accompany my work.  Gracias por visitar mi site and come again! Adios mis amigos!



Canoeing near Barra de Santiago in El Salvador 2000


  1. Great shot of you in the canoe Tessie! Reminds me of a wedding I went to and intended to teach a young man how to canoe and he ended up capsizing us into a lake. What a great day!

    • Oh this is too funny. I’m sure the swim was memorable. I hope the water was warm rather than cold!

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